Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Heart of the Avenue

SOOC version

One of my first uploads from my vacation to Oléron, SW France last week.
We were on our way back from the Island to my In In-Laws place around 8pm and during the 3.5 hour drive, I spotted this in the distance. My in-laws weren't too happy with me asking them to stop suddenly in the middle of the French countryside though! :)

Hard shot to take, as you can see the horizon is slaunted. I did correct this in the processing stage but then the trees looked like they were bowing inwards so I decided to leave it as it is. Cross-Processed for the tones. Cloned out a huge post too near the trees! Thankfully you can't see where it was! :P

France is famous for planting London Plane trees on their roads so close together - I think its really beautiful!


  1. The processing was worth it. A smashing high contrast image.

  2. Its shape like a heart.. Woot. Woot! =D


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